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Action Plan/Amendments

The City of Columbia received HUD approval for its Community Development Block Grant-Mitigation (CDBG-MIT) Action Plan on June 29, 2020 (Public Law 115-123). The Action Plan provides details on the allocation of $18,585,000 for high-impact mitigation activities that strengthen the community infrastructure and lessen the impact of future disasters by reducing or eliminating the long-term risk of loss of life and property.

To determine the projects that would be funded, the City conducted a Mitigation Needs Assessment which confirmed the primary risks facing the community continue to be flooding, tornadoes, thunderstorms, lightning, hurricanes, and tropical storms. In addition to the needs assessment, the City sought input from the community prior to the development of the action plan and as part of the Citizen Participation and public comment process, which included both in-person and virtual public hearings, as well as opportunities for residents to submit comments and feedback both online and by mail.

The CDBG-MIT Action Plan that was approved by HUD on June 29, 2020:

View Action Plan (PDF)
Ver plan de accion (PDF)